Although I am not very experienced at doing craft shows, after the last one I changed my mind and decided to put more stuff on the table; actually I had more of most things, but I was trying to make the table look "clean" so I left about a third in the trunk.Also, I want to get more business cards, that people can take even if they don't buy anything.It would also probably be a good idea to have small paper bags, with handles, instead of giving people their jewelry in a pouch.
I am looking forward to the coming craft and minerals show in Antwerpen and I hope it will take place at the same location, because it was a great place for a craft fair and all the stalls had so many pretty things in them!I guess your experience depends on your expectations. I know how hard it can be to organize events, especially when you can't control every aspect of it and there are unknown factors. The mere fact that I am participating is a big success for me!

Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to you too and thank you for stopping by!
Its great to see someone so passionate about what they do. Enjoy your talent!
Thanks for telling about your craft show experience and what you learned. Thanks for coming to my blog. I am going to follow yours....
You have some really stunning stuff here!
Oh, how I hate craft shows! Load the tent, the displays, the jewelry. Unload the tent, the displays, the jewelry. Set it up, sit in the heat, rain, cold, etc. Pack it all up. Load it all up. Haul it all home and unload it all.
I wish you the best in your venture into craft shows!
seriously you are so talented. I love the different jewelry pieces you make.Wish I could go see all your stuff!
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