Although I am not very experienced at doing craft shows, after the last one I changed my mind and decided to put more stuff on the table; actually I had more of most things, but I was trying to make the table look "clean" so I left about a third in the trunk.Also, I want to get more business cards, that people can take even if they don't buy anything.It would also probably be a good idea to have small paper bags, with handles, instead of giving people their jewelry in a pouch.
I am looking forward to the coming craft and minerals show in Antwerpen and I hope it will take place at the same location, because it was a great place for a craft fair and all the stalls had so many pretty things in them!I guess your experience depends on your expectations. I know how hard it can be to organize events, especially when you can't control every aspect of it and there are unknown factors. The mere fact that I am participating is a big success for me!